
Business Intelligence involves handling complex technologies and strategies that allow end users to analyze the data and perform decision-making tasks to improve their business.

Mar2Invest Software as a Service configures econometric models for integrating ESG into financial analysis and corporate valuation, sparking new ideas to become success stories.

Mar2Invest offers applied business econometrics, advanced statistical analysis, machine learning algorithms, text analysis, and open-source extensibility. Mar2Invest queries can give you an answer to a simple question, perform calculations, combine data from different tables, and add, change, or delete data from a database.

Mar2Invest software processes datasets and returns bottom-up business information through queries made on demand for better decision-making, optimum business performance, ESG integration, Corporate Valuation, Financial Analysis, Investment Plan and Funding Options.

Our services are focused on land-based energy units and transportation industry sectors. User-friendly for business owners, ease of use, flexibility and scalability make Mar2Invest suitable for projects of all sizes and levels of complexity and can help you in decision-making, optimising forecasting, discovering new opportunities, improving efficiency and minimising risk.

Mar2Invest measures the statistical significance and qualitative weight of independent variables that affect the dependent variables of the personalised statistical model we design, construct and manage, for each client on demand.

Mar2Invest is targeting to access many capitalization opportunities; its tech kit of artificial intelligence (AI) aligns each organization’s strategic goals with actions for optimal efficiency, minimum carbon footprint and best social and governance practices.

With high inflation increased, geopolitical risk, rising interest rates, higher energy costs and supply chain shortages shaping the global environment, the life of an economist and a data analyst must be even more reactive than it was a few years before. This is an unprecedented situation for most of us; and we, as ESG consultants and data experts, are in the best position to make synergies to access tools and services that could simplify our and our client’s missions. Through such partnerships with third parties, we offer improved data repositories as follows:
Mar2Invest integration with big data and seamless deployment into applications.

Integrating big data and seamlessly deploying it into applications is crucial for leveraging the value of large datasets and making data-driven decisions for each use case. Here’s an overview of how the process for each client:

Business Performance Monitoring: We help organizations monitor and track key performance indicators (KPIs) to assess their overall performance. Develop dashboards and reporting systems that provide real-time or regular updates on metrics such as sales, revenue, customer satisfaction, and operational efficiency. We develop scalable regression models, leveraging Machine Learning to analyse a great deal of data points daily, perform reliability checks and run estimation models at scale. Personalized estimation models are running as per our client’s needs.

Data Collection and Storage: The first step is to collect and store big data from various sources. This can include structured data from databases, unstructured data from social media, sensor data, log files, etc.

Data Processing, Analysis and Reporting: Once the data is collected, it must be processed and analyzed. This involves data cleaning, transformation, and filtering to ensure the data is accurate and useful. Data analysis helps businesses uncover valuable insights from their data. This involves collecting, cleaning, and organizing data, performing statistical analyses, and creating reports and visualizations to present the findings in a clear and actionable manner. We develop databases with a huge coverage of data.

Predictive Analytics and Forecasting: We utilize statistical modelling and machine learning techniques to predict future trends, customer behaviour, demand patterns, and business outcomes. Help organizations make data-driven forecasts for sales, inventory, financial performance, and other relevant areas.

Data Warehousing and Integration: We assist companies in designing and implementing data warehousing solutions to store and integrate data from various sources. Develop data pipelines and ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) processes to ensure data consistency, accuracy, and accessibility for reporting and analysis.

Data Governance and Compliance: Advise companies on data governance best practices and compliance with data privacy regulations such as GDPR or CCPA. Develop policies, procedures, and guidelines for data management, data quality assurance, and data security to ensure data integrity and protection.

Integration with Applications: The processed and analyzed data needs to be integrated into the target applications. We use APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), web services, or database connections. APIs allow applications to communicate and exchange data with big data platforms or data warehouses.

Real-time or Batch Processing: Depending on the application’s requirements, data integration can be done in real-time or through batch processing. Real-time processing allows applications to access and use the data immediately, while batch processing can be more efficient for large volumes of data that don’t require instant updates.

Seamless Deployment: To ensure seamless deployment, it’s essential to thoroughly test the integration and application functionalities. Automated testing and continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines can help maintain a smooth deployment process and catch potential issues early.

Scalability and Performance: Since big data can be massive in size, scalability and performance are critical considerations. Ensuring that the infrastructure can handle large-scale data processing and application usage is vital for a successful deployment.

Data Security and Privacy: Dealing with big data also raises security and privacy concerns. Proper measures must be implemented to protect sensitive data and comply with relevant data protection regulations.

Monitoring and Maintenance: After deployment, continuous monitoring and maintenance are required to ensure the applications and data integration are functioning correctly. This may involve performance optimization, bug fixes, and updating data processing pipelines as new data is generated.

Training and Knowledge Transfer: We conduct training sessions and workshops to educate business users on leveraging data and analytics tools effectively. Help teams build their analytical capabilities, interpret data, and make data-driven decisions on an ongoing basis.

Data-driven Decision Support: Mar2Invest acts as a trusted advisor, working closely with executives and decision-makers to provide data-driven insights for critical business decisions. Offer guidance on market entry strategies, product launches, pricing, resource allocation, and other strategic initiatives.

By following these steps and best practices, organizations can harness the power of big data and seamlessly deploy it into applications, enabling data-driven decision-making and gaining valuable insights. Mar2Invest leads the way in datasets creation for optimum decisions and forecasts, for ESG credit rating and for the best estimation of time-dependent target values.

Data Analytics. Mar2Invest converts unstructured or raw data into a comprehensive format. The converted details are used to cleanse, convert, or model the data so that it supports the decision-making process, derives conclusions, and sets up predictive analytics. Most organizations now treat data analytics as common or standard practice, as per their business requirements.

Velticon considers the role of data analytics in building a positive corporate reputation and in driving long-term value for the business.

Mar2Invest focuses on deploying end-to-end ESG management and CO2 trading solutions through state-of-the-art software, on-demand, with value-added solutions and amenities for corporates and shipping companies. This way they meet their sustainability targets in line with the emerging global zero-emissions ecosystem.

Mar2Invest develops end-to-end solutions for:

• Shaping investment strategies based on ESG criteria and metrics (for institutional investors)

• Funding and corporate loans, private investments, shipyard credits, mezzanine finance, private placement, public offerings, bond issue, special purpose companies, limited partnerships, finance leases, operating leases and securitization to business entities based on ESG criteria and metrics (for banks)

• Integration of ESG criteria into legislation (for regulatory bodies)

Public sector, businesses, organizations, Industry, Shipping, Banks, SMEs, Academia and Research Institutions rely on Mar2Invest capabilities and intelligence to locate and capture new business, enhance strategic planning and mitigate risk to make smart, informed decisions. Finding ESG databases and datasets related to the shipping industry can be essential for assessing the sustainability performance of any company and making informed investment or decision-making choices. Velticon’s robust network with ESG Data providers ensures a huge data pool and commitment to the best practices. Websites like the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) provide some ESG data and frameworks that could be useful for research. The ESG landscape is constantly evolving, so the availability of databases and datasets might change over time. We always ensure we’re using up-to-date and reputable sources for our research.

Mar2Invest-Integrated Networking
One tool – Multi Markets – Multi Users



Mar2Invest is a statistical model that measures the KPIs for land-based energy units, which is a complex but

 rewarding task. It is a dedicated software for energy units/infrastructures offering business information. For industrial users, we develop a personalized and specialized energy model that includes the customer’s KPIs, ESG indicators, and sustainability reports.

Mar2Invest develops algorithms and manages databases, through Ad Hoc Queries and Self-Service Analytics, empowering business users to explore and analyze data on their own, using self-service analytics tools that provide intuitive interfaces and query capabilities.
One algorithm ensures the optimum production process in a production line (operation optimization). Another algorithm ensures excellent positioning in the carbon trading market (CO2 trading) and one other validates and benchmarks the performance of a GHG emissions energy unit.

Mar2Invest offers the best approach to problem-solving, making it possible to automate and efficiently solve problems using computer systems and AI techniques. We employ Automated Machine Learning (AutoML) platforms that combine various AI techniques to optimize Mar2Invest statistical model automatically. AutoML platform automates the entire machine learning pipeline, including data preprocessing, feature engineering, model selection, and hyperparameter optimization, making it easier to develop high-performing models without extensive manual intervention.

Mar2Invest statistical model uses data analysis methods, such as multivariate analysis or multiple regression analysis, to evaluate the correlation between variables. It is important to note that the choice of dependent and independent variables depends on the specific production environment we study and the information available to us. The creation of the statistical model requires the collection and analysis of data. We can use this information to start the analysis if the necessary databases are delivered. Otherwise, we need to collect the necessary data to analyze the production process and its environmental impact. Overall, Mar2Invest creates precision algorithms and determines the optimal production process in an organization, with minimal environmental impact. This is a complex process and requires adaptation to the specific case study for each company and its specific needs.

To develop the personalized database for a client, we follow the steps below:

1. Analyze the needs and requirements of each client.

2. We define the shape of the database by defining the tables, fields, and relationships between the data.

3. We develop an editing environment that allows performance data to be entered, modified, and deleted. Also, we include search and filtering features to extract specific data.

4. We implement analytics by developing the analytical features for which the client cares, such as charts, and reports. This will allow us to visualize and analyze energy unit performance indicators in a way that is easy to read and easy to use.

5. We consider security requirements for data protection and compliance. Implement security measures such as data encryption, access restrictions, and backups to ensure data is safe and protected.

Mar2Invest Approach

Mar2Invest develops AI solutions for ensuring the performance and safety of land-based industries and delivers:

Reports of the specific ESG-KPIs that are relevant to land-based energy units. These include metrics related to carbon emissions, water usage, waste management, employee safety, community engagement, and more.

Data Collection from various sources, such as energy unit reports, government databases, industry publications, and research studies. We extract meaningful features from the collected data that can contribute to our AI statistical model, addressed to your needs. These features include performance indicators (PIs) for energy production, resource consumption, operational parameters, and relevant external factors like weather conditions or regulatory changes.

We design a database structure that can efficiently store and manage the collected data, as well as the output of your AI statistical model. We use a relational database management system (RDBMS) or NoSQL database, depending on your specific requirements.

We develop a pipeline or workflow to automate data ingestion, preprocessing, model training, and inference. This will enable you to regularly update your ESG-KPIs database and generate real-time insights as new data becomes available.

Visualization and Reporting: We create visualizations and reports to communicate the performance and trends of ESG-KPIs for land-based energy units. Interactive dashboards or web interfaces can be useful for stakeholders to explore and understand the data easily.

We monitor the performance of the Mar2Invest AI statistical model over time and continuously refine it as new data and insights emerge, so we stay updated with the latest research and industry developments to ensure your model remains relevant and accurate.

Mar2Invest, innovative model solutions (on demand) contribute to lowering the environmental footprint, resources, and material consumption. With AI solutions we offer an opportunity for creating sustainable, climate-resilient European trading and transport infrastructure cost-effectively while producing substantial social, economic, and environmental co-benefits. Our goal is smart, green, sustainable, and climate-resilient infrastructure/energy units, planned in a way that maximizes positive impact on economic growth and minimizes the negative impact on the environment and, significant and lasting degradation of ecosystems, fragmentation of habitats or loss of biodiversity, promoting environmentally friendly modes of transport and leading to the reduction of harmful emissions.

Carbon footprint calculation refers to the process of estimating the total greenhouse gas emissions produced by an entity, such as a company or an individual, over a specific period. It is a common method used to quantify and understand the environmental impact of activities and operations.
The carbon footprint is often divided into three scopes: Scope I, Scope II, and Scope III emissions.


1. ESG-related asset allocation customization capabilities

ESG-related asset allocation customization capabilities refer to the ability to tailor an investment portfolio’s asset allocation based on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) considerations and the specific sustainability preferences of individual clients. This customization enables investors to align their investment choices with their values, ethical beliefs, and sustainability goals.
Here’s how via Mar2Invest reports we can implement ESG-related asset allocation customization capabilities since we have developed the personalized statistical analysis and the necessary datasets:

Client Profiling: We start by understanding our clients’ ESG preferences, risk tolerance, investment objectives, and time horizon.

ESG Integration: We are Integrating ESG factors into any investment decision-making process.

Customized ESG Metrics: We develop and apply customized ESG metrics and scoring methodologies to assess the sustainability performance of potential investments.

Asset Selection and Exclusion: We work with our clients to determine which industries, companies, or practices they want to support or avoid based on their ESG criteria. Customize the asset selection process to include or exclude specific investments accordingly.

ESG Portfolio Weighting: Implement dynamic portfolio weighting strategies that prioritize investments with higher ESG scores or align with the client’s sustainability priorities.

Proxy Voting: We exercise proxy voting rights on behalf of our clients to support resolutions that promote ESG principles and hold companies accountable for their sustainability commitments.

Continual Review and Optimization: We regularly review and optimize the ESG-related asset allocation to ensure it stays in line with the client’s evolving preferences and changes in ESG factors.

Foster awareness about the impact of sustainable investments on both financial returns and broader societal and environmental issues.

By offering ESG-related asset allocation customization capabilities, we can cater to the growing demand for responsible and sustainable investing while aligning your investment strategies with your client’s unique values and preferences.

2. Seamless integration into your existing workflow

Seamless integration into your existing workflow is a critical consideration when implementing new tools, systems, or processes into your business. Whether you are introducing new software, adopting a different approach, or incorporating advanced reporting and sustainability practices, the goal is to minimize disruptions and ensure a smooth transition. Here are some key principles for Mar2Invest to achieve seamless integration that enhances your workflow and drives efficiency and productivity within your organization:

Understand Your Workflow: Thoroughly analyze your current workflow to identify pain points, inefficiencies, and areas that need improvement. We consider how the Mar2Invest process will fit into the existing flow and whether any adjustments are necessary.

Compatibility and Interoperability: Ensure that the new solution is compatible with your existing systems and tools. If possible, opt for solutions that offer easy integration through APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) or standard file formats. Compatibility ensures that data and information can flow seamlessly between different components of your workflow.

User-Friendly Interface: Choose solutions that have user-friendly interfaces and are easy to learn and use. This reduces the learning curve for your team and helps them adapt quickly to the new processes.

Training and Support: We provide adequate training and support to your team members to help them understand the new tool or process. Training can be in the form of workshops, documentation, online tutorials, or one-on-one sessions. Additionally, have a support system in place to address any questions or issues that arise during the integration process.

3. One partner who delivers an end-to-end solution

Our end-to-end sustainability solutions refer to comprehensive approaches that address sustainability challenges across an entire process or value chain.

These solutions are designed to have a positive impact on the environment, society, and economy while minimizing negative consequences. The term “end-to-end” indicates that the approach covers all stages of a product’s life cycle or the entire operational process, from resource extraction to manufacturing, distribution, usage, and disposal. End-to-end sustainability solutions are essential in tackling the complex challenges of sustainability and achieving a more sustainable and resilient future for both businesses and society as a whole. They require collaboration among various stakeholders, including businesses, governments, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and consumers.
Some of the key areas where Mar2Invest delivers end-to-end sustainability solutions include:

Energy Efficiency: We provide energy audits, and optimization strategies, and implement smart building automation systems.

Renewable Energy: Mar2Invest assists in adopting and integrating renewable energy sources into the energy mix of various industries. This includes solar power, wind power, and other clean energy solutions.

Sustainability Software and Solutions: Mar2Invest offers software solutions that help track, analyze, and optimize energy and sustainability performance across organizations. These solutions can help businesses set and achieve sustainability goals and comply with various environmental regulations.

4. Mar2Invest reports on sustainability frameworks and metrics (e.g., TCFD, CRR pillar 3, SEC)

Reporting on sustainability frameworks and metrics is an essential aspect of corporate transparency and accountability. Several prominent frameworks and reporting guidelines have emerged to help organizations measure, disclose, and manage their sustainability performance. Here are three important frameworks that Mar2Invest endorses:

Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD): The TCFD was established by the Financial Stability Board (FSB) to guide climate-related financial disclosures. It aims to help organizations understand and communicate their climate-related risks and opportunities to investors, lenders, insurers, and other stakeholders. The TCFD framework focuses on four key areas: governance, strategy, risk management, and metrics and targets.

Corporate Reporting Dialogue (CRD) – Pillar 3 Climate Change Reporting: The Corporate Reporting Dialogue is an initiative that brings together several leading sustainability reporting frameworks to harmonize and align reporting efforts. Pillar 3 specifically focuses on climate change reporting and encourages companies to disclose their climate-related risks and opportunities in line with the TCFD recommendations.

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) – Climate and ESG Disclosures: The SEC is the regulatory body responsible for overseeing securities markets in the United States. In recent years, the SEC has shown an increased interest in Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) disclosures, including climate-related information. They have issued statements and proposed rules related to climate and ESG disclosures to enhance transparency and comparability of information.

When reporting on sustainability, companies often include various sustainability metrics, such as greenhouse gas emissions, energy consumption, water usage, waste generation, diversity and inclusion metrics, employee well-being, community engagement, and more. The specific metrics reported may vary depending on the industry and the company’s sustainability priorities.

For comprehensive reporting, organizations may utilize multiple frameworks and metrics to provide a comprehensive view of their sustainability efforts and progress. Mar2Invest always ensures that the chosen frameworks align with the organization’s goals and are relevant to their industry and stakeholder expectations.

5. Mar2Invest attracts sustainable investment by communicating sustainability efforts and data to investors

Attracting sustainable investment requires effective communication of your organization’s sustainability efforts and data to investors. Investors interested in sustainable investing are increasingly looking for transparency, measurable impact, and a strong commitment to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors. The same is true for effective acquisitions, consolidations and spin-offs.
Authenticity and transparency are key when communicating sustainability efforts to investors. By effectively communicating your sustainability initiatives and data, you can attract investors who share your values and support your organization’s sustainable growth.

6. To ensure that investors see a reliable & fair view of the company

To ensure that investors see a reliable and fair view of the company, it is essential to follow principles of transparency, accountability, and good governance. Here are some key steps to achieve this by Mar2Invest reporting:

Financial Transparency: Provide accurate and up-to-date financial information to investors.

Disclose Relevant Information: Make sure to disclose all material information that may affect the company’s performance or prospects.

Adopt Corporate Governance Best Practices: Implement strong corporate governance practices that promote fairness, accountability, and responsibility. This involves having an independent board of directors, transparent decision-making processes, and a commitment to ethical behaviour.

Investor Relations: We establish a dedicated investor relations team or officer to communicate effectively with shareholders and potential investors.

Use Clear and Understandable Language: When communicating with investors, we use plain language in financial reports and disclosures.

Consistent Updates: We regularly update investors on the company’s progress, developments, and significant events. Timely updates help build trust and confidence among stakeholders.

Encourage Questions and Feedback: We create a culture that welcomes questions and feedback from investors. We address their concerns promptly and honestly.

Engage Independent Auditors: Employ reputable and independent auditors to conduct regular financial audits. Audited financial statements add credibility to the company’s financial reporting.

Compliance with Regulations: Ensure compliance with all applicable securities laws and regulations. Staying in line with legal requirements helps build trust with investors.

Long-term Vision: Present a clear and realistic long-term vision for the company’s growth and development.

By adhering to these practices, the company can demonstrate its commitment to providing a reliable and fair view to investors, fostering transparency, and ultimately building strong and lasting relationships with shareholders.

7. Mar2Invest presents consumer-friendly, easy-to-understand metrics that matter

Consumer-friendly and easy-to-understand metrics can help consumers make informed choices about the products and services they purchase. Here are some key sustainability metrics that matter to consumers:

a. Carbon Footprint
b. Water Usage
c. Energy Efficiency
d. Recyclability and Waste Reduction
e. Fair Trade and Ethical Sourcing
f. Biodiversity Impact
g. Chemicals and Toxins
h. Social and Labor Practices
i. Animal Welfare
j. Transparency and Certification
k. Product Durability and Longevity
l. Local Sourcing

These metrics are just a starting point. Companies can use various communication channels, such as product labels, eco-labels, and informative packaging, to convey this information to consumers in a simple and easy-to-understand manner. Being transparent and honest about sustainability efforts can foster consumer trust and loyalty.

8. Solutions to disruptions due to climate change

Apart from the environmental footprint issues, energy units around the world are experiencing more worries; air and water temperature increases, rising sea levels, changes in seasonal precipitation, and wind and wave conditions. Many are also seeing more frequent and severe extreme events such as storms, flash floods, prolonged heatwaves, and droughts. Climate change represents a significant risk to business, operations, safety, and infrastructure – and hence to local, national, and European economies.

Extreme weather events affect transport infrastructures and their management. Even if infrastructures are designed to cope with various stresses along their life, the increase in frequency and severity of extreme weather events will increase their deterioration pace and increase the possibility of accidents that may become more frequent due to adverse weather conditions.

When focusing on a resilient and performing energy infrastructure, its environmental footprint, resource and material consumption, habitat fragmentation, and biodiversity degradation should be minimal. The goal is a smart, green, sustainable, climate-resilient, and biodiversity-friendly energy unit.

Through Mar2Invest, solutions are offered to limit energy units’ vulnerability to climate change and other natural or human-caused disruptions. Making energy units more resilient to climate change should focus on improving the ability of the energy network to withstand disruption, and adapt to changing conditions under extreme circumstances while maintaining their performance. Mar2Invest goal is to strengthen energy units’ reliability and improve their performance under extreme circumstances thus increasing the resilience of the whole energy system, either for land-based industries, ships, trains and airplanes.

Stress test against climate goals

To stress-test against climate goals means to evaluate and assess the resilience and effectiveness of strategies, policies, projects, or systems in achieving climate-related objectives. Stress testing is a method which we use to analyze how well these initiatives can withstand different scenarios and challenges related to climate change.
In the context of climate goals, our stress testing typically involves the following steps:

a. Define Climate Goals: Clearly articulate the specific climate goals that need to be achieved, such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions, increasing renewable energy use, enhancing energy efficiency, or adapting to the impacts of climate change.

b. Identify Scenarios: We develop a range of plausible climate scenarios that may occur in the future, taking into account various climate change projections, policy developments, technological advancements, and socioeconomic trends.

c. Analyze Impact: we assess how each scenario could impact the effectiveness of the proposed strategies or projects in meeting the climate goals. This includes evaluating their ability to mitigate climate change, adapt to its impacts, and contribute to overall sustainability.

d. Identify Weaknesses: We identify weaknesses and vulnerabilities in the approaches being tested. This could involve understanding potential bottlenecks, financial risks, supply chain vulnerabilities, or gaps in meeting the climate objectives.

e. Adjust Strategies: Based on the stress test results, we make adjustments and improvements to the strategies, policies, or projects to enhance their ability to achieve climate goals and withstand various challenges.

f. Continuous Improvement: Stress testing is not a one-time exercise. It should be an iterative process, allowing for continuous evaluation and improvement of climate-related initiatives as the understanding of climate change evolves and new data becomes available.

Stress testing against climate goals is especially important in the context of global efforts to mitigate climate change and adapt to its consequences. Governments, businesses, and organizations need to ensure that their actions are aligned with climate goals and that they are resilient enough to navigate the uncertainties and complexities posed by a changing climate.

9. Custom compliance for your stakeholders’ requirements

Custom compliance for stakeholders’ requirements involves tailoring your organization’s compliance efforts to meet the specific expectations and needs of various stakeholder groups. Each stakeholder, including customers, employees, investors, suppliers, communities, and regulators, may have unique compliance demands.
By customizing compliance efforts to meet the needs of different stakeholder groups, we demonstrate our commitment to responsible business practices and strengthen your relationships with key stakeholders. This, in turn, can lead to increased trust, loyalty, and long-term success for your organization.

Mar2Invest software is a service for creating, programming and editing Key performance indicators (KPIs) for transportation and shipping companies.

KPIs for a shipping company typically focus on measuring and tracking the company’s environmental performance and sustainability efforts. Mar2Invest presents 8 categories of KPIs and environmental ESG-KPIs:

Environmental, Operational, HR Management,
Technical, Health and Safety,
Port State Control, Navigational Safety and Security


Mar2Invest provides tools for consistently collecting and analyzing the data points and calculating the relevant KPIs, while the shipping company can track its environmental performance, identify areas for improvement, and set targets to enhance its sustainability practices. To calculate these KPIs, we need to collect relevant data from various sources within the shipping company, including fuel consumption records, maintenance logs, emissions data, waste management reports, and incident records. Once Mar2Invest has the necessary data, we use formulas and algorithms to calculate the KPIs.

For the ESG score, we use high-performance computing implementing the following:

Carbon Emissions: We measure the total greenhouse gas emissions, particularly carbon dioxide (CO2), produced by the company’s operations.

Energy Efficiency: Velticon assesses the energy efficiency of a company’s fleet by measuring the amount of fuel consumed per unit of cargo transported or distance travelled.

Fuel Consumption: Track the total amount of fuel consumed by the fleet, both in terms of volume and energy content. This helps identify trends, monitor efficiency improvements, and set reduction targets.

Air Quality Impact: We evaluate the emissions of air pollutants such as sulfur oxides (SOx), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and particulate matter (PM).

Waste Generation: We quantify the amount of waste generated by the company’s operations, including solid waste, hazardous materials, and wastewater. Monitor waste generation per cargo unit or vessel, and track efforts to reduce, recycle, or properly dispose of waste.

Ballast Water Management: We monitor the effectiveness of ballast water treatment systems to prevent the introduction of invasive species and minimize the ecological impact of ballast water discharge. This can be measured by compliance with international standards and regulations.

Environmental Accidents: We track and report the number and severity of environmental incidents, such as oil spills, leaks, or other accidents that may have negative environmental consequences. This helps assess the effectiveness of risk management and preventive measures.

Mar2Invest software for analysis and processing of performance indicators of energy units for ships, trucks, planes, trains, land factories, organizations, and other similar entities is usually offered as a Software as a Service (SaaS) service. This means that customers access the software online, without having to purchase, install or manage the software on local computers or servers.

When focusing on a resilient and performing energy unit, its environmental footprint, resource and material consumption, habitat fragmentation, and biodiversity degradation should be minimal.

For THE XXX shipping company, carbon footprint calculation (Scope I and II) involves assessing the direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions associated with its operations.

Reporting: After calculating Scope I and II emissions, by adding them together we can determine the total carbon footprint of the XXX shipping company. This total is typically reported in metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e). The company can use this information to track its emissions over time, set reduction targets, and communicate its sustainability performance to stakeholders.

It’s worth noting that the specific calculation methods and emission factors used may vary depending on the region, fuel types, and industry standards. We provide all shipping companies with guidance from international initiatives like the IMO (International Maritime Organization) or regional regulations to ensure compliance and alignment with industry practices.

To calculate the carbon footprint, the following tasks are typically involved:

Identify and categorize emission sources: We will determine the sources of greenhouse gas emissions within each scope. This could include fuel consumption data for XXX company-owned vehicles, energy consumption data for purchased electricity or heat, and data related to activities in the value chain.

Collect activity data: We will gather data on the activities that generate emissions. This could include fuel consumption records, energy bills, transportation data, or other relevant data sources.

Determine emission factors: Obtain emission factors or conversion factors for each emission source. Emission factors are specific to the type of greenhouse gas and the activity that generates emissions. They provide a conversion rate to estimate the amount of greenhouse gas emissions associated with a specific activity.

Calculate emissions: Multiply the activity data by the corresponding emission factors to calculate emissions for each source within each scope. For example, the total emissions from Scope I would be the sum of emissions from all direct sources.

Aggregate and report: Add up the emissions from each scope to obtain the total carbon footprint of the entity. This information is typically reported in metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e), which is a standard unit used to compare emissions from different greenhouse gases.

It’s worth noting that carbon footprint calculation can be complex, and it may require specialized expertise or the use of carbon footprint calculators or software tools. Additionally, organizations may choose to go beyond Scopes I and II and include Scope III emissions in their calculations to provide a more comprehensive picture of their environmental impact.

The Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) is a metric used to measure the carbon intensity of a specific activity or sector. It indicates the amount of carbon emissions generated per unit of output or activity. The calculation of CII can vary depending on the context and the specific activity being measured. Here’s a general approach to calculating the CII for the year 20XX for XXX.

Determine the emissions: Identify the total amount of carbon emissions associated with the activity or sector you wish to measure. This can be obtained through carbon footprint calculations or greenhouse gas inventories specific to that activity or sector.

Define the output or activity unit: Determine the unit of output or activity that you want to use as the denominator in the CII calculation. This could be, for example, the total revenue generated, the number of products manufactured, the energy consumed, or any other relevant metric.

Calculate the CII: Divide the total carbon emissions by the chosen output or activity unit to obtain the CII. The formula is as follows:

CII = Total carbon emissions / Output or activity unit

The resulting value will represent the amount of carbon emissions generated per unit of output or activity.

To ensure accuracy and alignment with industry standards, we will refer to recognized guidelines or frameworks such as those provided by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), or sector-specific protocols and methodologies.

For the year XXXX, we should use the emissions and activity data from that specific year to calculate the CII, reflecting the emissions intensity of the activity or sector during that period.

Technology is doubtless a major enabler for today’s financial institutions as they seek to streamline operations. Mar2Invest, big data analytics and ESG reporting are important winners to gain competitive advantages. Adopting and integrating technology is paramount for modern banks and financial institutions. But to what degree is this the case for more traditional areas of the banking world, where personal connections have always been so key? ESG reporting plus portfolio management via private banking are two such areas with a high degree of interest.

Mar2Invest manages databases and answers query with algorithmic processes that we design, develop and monitor for each client on demand.

Each client is a unique use case for which we are computing ESG scores, showing its operational sustainability benchmarked with the industry standards…and more…..

  1. Ability to aggregate sustainability analytics at a portfolio level for each client.

 This is a valuable Mar2Invest capability that can help any financial institution and its clients make informed and sustainable investment decisions. This involves collecting and analyzing sustainability-related data and metrics for all the assets within a client’s investment portfolio. Here is how we are achieving this:

Data Collection: We gather relevant sustainability data for each asset in your client’s portfolio. Data sources include company reports, third-party ESG rating agencies, and specialized sustainability databases.

Standardization: We ensure the collected data is standardized and comparable across different assets.

Metrics Selection: We identify key sustainability metrics that are relevant to your client’s investment goals and preferences. Not all metrics will be equally important to every client, so we tailor the analysis to their specific interests and priorities.

Data Analysis and Calculation: Perform the necessary calculations to aggregate the sustainability metrics at the portfolio level. This may involve calculating weighted averages based on the asset’s contribution to the overall portfolio value.

Benchmarking: Compare the portfolio’s sustainability performance against relevant benchmarks, industry peers, or other sustainability indices. Benchmarking can provide valuable insights into the portfolio’s relative sustainability standing.

Visualization and Reporting: We Present the aggregated sustainability analytics clearly and concisely. Visualizations, such as charts and graphs, can help your clients better understand the portfolio’s sustainability performance and identify areas for improvement.

Scenario Analysis: We conduct scenario analyses to understand how changes in the portfolio composition or sustainability metrics can impact the overall sustainability profile. This can aid in making proactive adjustments to the portfolio to align it with changing sustainability goals.

By providing your clients with aggregated sustainability analytics, you can demonstrate your commitment to responsible investing while helping your clients make well-informed decisions aligned with their values and sustainability objectives.

  1. To report on green / climate/transition / sustainable bonds – pre- and post-issuance

 Mar2Invest’s reporting on green, climate, transition or sustainable bonds is a crucial aspect of maintaining transparency and accountability for issuers and investors. The reporting process includes two main phases: pre-issuance and post-issuance reporting. Each phase serves different purposes and provides valuable information to stakeholders involved in the bond issuance. What is very interesting is that with the Mar2Invest software, we can establish criteria by which the ability and prospect of a company to issue a green or a transition bond will be evaluated. Especially the transition bond shows if the company is on track to achieve the goals it has set, mainly through its ESG strategy. For instance, energy units or shipping companies seeking transition finance have to meet certain carbon intensity indicators above a certain limit. Such a company should get transition funds and use proceeds instruments. On the other hand, such companies may also issue sustainability-linked bonds for any purpose so long as certain performance targets are met. Here’s an overview of both pre-issuance and post-issuance reporting:

Pre-Issuance Reporting:

 Mar2Invest pre-issuance reporting refers to the disclosure of information about the planned green, climate, or sustainable bond offering before it is issued to the market. The objective is to provide potential investors with detailed information on the bond’s sustainability characteristics, the allocation of proceeds, and the issuer’s commitment to use the funds for environmentally and socially beneficial projects. The primary components of pre-issuance reporting include:

Use of Proceeds: The issuer should clearly outline how the proceeds from the bond issuance will be used to fund eligible green, climate, or sustainable projects. This includes providing a breakdown of the project categories, expected allocations, and any associated performance targets.

Framework and Eligibility Criteria: The issuer should disclose the framework used to define eligible projects and the criteria used for project selection. This may involve referencing relevant sustainability standards or guidelines, such as the Green Bond Principles (GBP) or Climate Bonds Standard.

Independent Verification: Some issuers choose to obtain external verification of their green bond framework and the alignment of their projects with sustainability criteria. This independent verification enhances the credibility and trustworthiness of the bond issuance.

Reporting Plan: A well-defined reporting plan should be included, outlining the issuer’s commitment to post-issuance reporting. This plan should specify the frequency and content of future reports. This is a very strong point for Mar2Invest.

Potential Risks: Issuers should disclose any potential risks associated with the projects funded by the green bond and how they plan to manage these risks. Risk analysis may be included in the Mar2Invest offer as an add-on feature.

Post-Issuance Reporting:

 Post-issuance reporting occurs after the bond has been issued and provides stakeholders with updates on the use of proceeds and the progress of the projects funded by the green bond. The main components of post-issuance reporting include:

Use of Proceeds: Issuers should provide detailed information on how the proceeds were allocated to specific projects or categories of projects. This helps investors track the actual deployment of funds.

Project Progress: Issuers should report on the progress of each funded project, including milestones achieved, environmental or social impacts, and any challenges faced during implementation.

Impact Measurement: Measurement and assessment of the environmental and social impact of the projects are critical. Reporting on key performance indicators (KPIs) and impact metrics allow investors to evaluate the effectiveness of the green bond in achieving its sustainability objectives.

External Assurance: Some issuers choose to obtain external assurance on their post-issuance reports to provide independent validation of the reported information.

Continuous Disclosure: Post-issuance reporting is often an ongoing process, with regular updates provided at specified intervals, as outlined in the reporting plan.

Both pre and post-issuance reporting play a crucial role in enhancing transparency, credibility, and accountability of green, climate, transition or sustainable bonds. Investors, issuers, and other stakeholders can make more informed decisions and track the positive environmental and social impacts generated by the financed projects

  1. Portfolio reporting for regulators & clients

 Portfolio reporting for regulators and clients is a crucial aspect of financial management and investment advisory services. It involves providing detailed and transparent information about the performance, composition, and risk profile of investment portfolios to both regulatory bodies and individual clients. The primary goals of portfolio reporting are to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements, maintain transparency with clients, and facilitate informed decision-making.

Here are some key elements we consider when preparing portfolio reports for regulators and clients:

Performance Metrics: WE present comprehensive performance metrics, such as rate of return, time-weighted return, and euro-weighted return. These metrics provide insights into the portfolio’s historical performance and help assess its effectiveness in achieving investment objectives.

Portfolio Holdings: Include a breakdown of the portfolio’s asset allocation, detailing the percentage distribution across various asset classes, sectors, and individual securities. This information helps regulators and clients understand the portfolio’s diversification and exposure to different market segments.

Risk Measures: We discuss risk metrics, such as standard deviation, beta, and value at risk (VaR). These metrics provide an understanding of the portfolio’s risk exposure and how it may react to different market conditions.

Compliance Information: We ensure that the portfolio report complies with the relevant regulatory guidelines and requirements. This may involve disclosing specific information related to investment strategies, risk disclosures, and client suitability.

Fee Transparency: Be transparent about all fees and expenses charged to clients for managing the portfolio. Clearly outline the management fees, advisory fees, and any other costs incurred by the client.

Benchmark Comparison: We compare the portfolio’s performance against relevant benchmarks, such as market indices or peer group averages. This allows clients and regulators to assess how well the portfolio has performed relative to its intended goals.

Attribution Analysis: We provide an attribution analysis to explain the sources of performance, such as asset allocation, security selection, and market timing. This analysis helps clients understand the drivers of portfolio returns.

Market Commentary: Include a market commentary section that explains the current market conditions and the investment manager’s outlook. This provides context for the portfolio’s performance during the reporting period.

Compliance Reporting: For regulators, ensure that the report complies with all the necessary reporting requirements mandated by the regulatory bodies.

It’s essential to customize portfolio reports to meet the specific needs of both regulators and individual clients. While regulators may require standardized reporting formats, clients may prefer reports tailored to their investment objectives and risk tolerance. Providing comprehensive and transparent information will enhance trust and confidence in the portfolio management process.

  1. To integrate sustainability criteria into your internal credit score

 Integrating sustainability criteria into an internal credit score is a progressive approach that some financial institutions and companies have adopted to incorporate environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors into their credit assessment processes. By doing so, they can better assess the creditworthiness and risk profile of their clients, taking into account their sustainability performance and practices. Here are some steps for Mar2Invest to consider when integrating sustainability criteria into an internal credit score:

Identify Relevant Sustainability Criteria: Determine which sustainability factors are most relevant to your organization’s industry and risk assessment process.

Establish Data Collection and Reporting Mechanisms

Develop Weighting and Scoring Methodology: We assign weights to different sustainability criteria based on their materiality and relevance to the credit risk assessment. We develop a scoring methodology that aligns with the organization’s risk appetite and credit assessment framework.

Integrate Sustainability Metrics with Financial Metrics: We combine sustainability metrics with traditional financial metrics when assessing creditworthiness. The goal is to get a holistic view of the client’s performance, considering both financial and sustainability aspects.

Educate Stakeholders: Ensure that your credit analysts and decision-makers are well-informed about the importance of sustainability criteria and how to incorporate them into the credit evaluation process. This may involve providing training on ESG concepts and methodologies.

Monitor and Review Performance

Consider Incentives: You may explore offering better credit terms or incentives for clients with strong sustainability practices. This can encourage positive sustainability actions and align the interests of the institution and its clients.

Engage with Clients: We foster open communication with clients about the importance of sustainability and how it influences credit assessments. Share insights on how improving sustainability performance can lead to better credit terms.

Integrating sustainability criteria into an internal credit score can be a complex process, but it can also be a powerful tool to drive positive change and align the organization’s values with its financial decisions. Keep in mind that sustainability is a continually evolving field, and our approach needs adjustments over time to stay relevant and effective.

Hands-on hands we can open huge market opportunities with ESG sustainability reports. We envision technology to deliver tailored advice and services, enhancing our customer experience within the context of the personal experience. For private banking, we are continuously working on the evolution of our data analytics fronts for clients and bankers.